4 Press Comunicação
Leandro Andrade[email protected]
Tel. +55 11 5096 0439
1. Brief Introduction to the Brazilian Transfer Pricing Legislation The Brazilian transfer pricing rules were introduced into the local legislation by means of Law 9,430, from 1996, coming into force in 1997. Having been inspired by the US legislation, these rules’ main goal is to prevent the shifting of taxable profits from Brazil to other[...]
As an importer operating in Brazil you know how pricey bringing goods into the Country is, particularly in times of economic recession. So even a little saving on tax or custom duties adds up in the end and can make a big difference in competitiveness for your imports. If you are also somewhat familiar with the Brazilian legal system and[...]
On the 24th of October 2016, Brazilian tax authorities have issued a ruling (ADI/RFB 7/2016) determining the levy of Withholding Income Tax (WHT) and Contribution of Intervention on the Public Domain (CIDE), at respective rates of 15% and 10%, upon the payment into share capital of Brazilian companies with intangibles, such as technology[...]
Last October 14, the International Organization for Standardization - ISO published the standard ISO 37001 - the Anti-Bribery Management Systems. ISO 37001 is the first international standard for anti-bribery management system designed to help organizations combat the bribery risks in their operations and throughout their global value chains.[...]
The Brazilian Special Regime for Tax and Exchange Legalization (“RERCT”) has been enacted by Law 13,254 from January 2016, aiming to regularize resources, assets and rights with legal background, not declared or declared improperly, remitted or kept abroad, or even repatriated by Brazilian residents. Although it has been conceived by the[...]