Our deeply specialized team works in all tax litigation areas. At the administrative level, we challenge infraction notices issued by the federal, state and municipal governments and at the judicial level we represent clients as plaintiffs and defendants, bringing together broad knowledge of our clients’ businesses with our detailed knowledge of tax litigation.
Our tax litigation before appellate courts and the Administrative Tax Appeals Board is supported by our office in the Federal District, where our legal excellence and commitment to ethics have generated positive results for our clients.
Our team is able to provide innovative solutions in planning, preparing opinions, advising and litigating at the federal and local levels. We have a thorough knowledge of the particularities of the Brazilian tax system and international taxation, as well as a solid understanding of our clients’ businesses. The main services we provide in tax advising are:
❯ Tax structuring and feasibility for new businesses;
❯ Studies to legally reduce the tax burden;
❯ M&A transactions, corporate restructuring and succession;
❯ Collection of tax credits;
❯ Obtaining special tax methods;
❯ Participating in tax committees;
❯ In-house training;
❯ Tax diagnosis;
❯ Tax and tax litigation due diligence;
❯ Control of tax and social security withholding;
❯ Review of tax assessments and ancillary obligations.