
Raphael Nóbrega de Andrade Partner Voltar

Raphael Andrade is partner in the Tax Consulting area at our Rio de Janeiro office. He takes a multidisciplinary approach and has over five years’ experience working in the administrative tax litigation area at the state level and in tax consulting with a focus on indirect taxes, particularly concerning the brick-and-mortar and e-commerce retail sale of merchandise. He also works with the analysis and application of new business methods conducted over the Internet, such as the use of marketplace platforms, content available through download and transactions with digital currencies.

Mr. Andrade’s main clients are companies from the retail, e-commerce, energy and manufacturing industries in the Rio de Janeiro region.

Formação Acadêmica

  • Graduation degree in Accounting and Tax Law, IBMEC/RJ.
  • Bachelor of Laws, Universidade Cândido Mendes – UCAM/ RJ.


Portuguese; English; Spanish

Áreas de Atuação

Tax, Digital Law

Profissionais vinculados ao escritório Gaia Silva Gaede & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, conforme seus atos constitutivos.