Brazilian Tax Review – April 2020

Brazilian Government Gives Several Tax Breaks to Mitigate the Covid-19 Crisis 

Due to the health crisis arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Government decreed a state of public calamity in Brazil and most governors and mayors ordered “non-essential activities” to be shut down.

In an effort to mitigate the economic effects of these measures, the Federal Government given several tax breaks:

  • Decree 10,285/2020: exempts medical and hospital products from the Federal-VAT (“IPI”) until October of 2020. 
  • Decree 10,302/2020: exempts laboratory and pharmacy articles, gloves and clinical thermometers products from the Federal-VAT (“IPI”) until September of 2020. 
  • CAMEX Normative Ruling 17/2020: exempts goods such as alcohol, disinfectant, medical gloves and surgery masks, among others, from the Import Duty (“II”) until September of 2020. 
  • RFB Normative Ruling 1,927/2020 and CAMEX Normative Ruling 17/2020: simplifies the importation of some goods related to mitigating the health crisis. 
  • Decree 10,305/2020: exempts loans taken out between April 3 and July 3, 2020, from the Tax on Financial Transactions (“IOF-Crédito”). 
  • Provisional Measure 932/2020: reduces third sector contribution taxes (“S System”) by 50% until July 2020.
  • Provisional Measure 927/2020: postpones the FGTS payments related to the months of March, April and May 2020, normally due in April, May and June 2020, respectively, to July 2020.
  • Ministry of Economy Normative Ruling 139/2020: postpones the payment of Social Contributions (“PIS, Cofins, INSS, CPRB and FUNRURAL”) related to March and April 2020, normally due in April and May 2020, respectively, to August and October of 2020.
  • Normative Ruling RFB 1,930/2020: extends the annual tax return submission deadline to June 30, 2020, instead of April 30, 2020, when it would normally be due.
  • Normative Ruling RFB 1,932/2020: extends the deadline to submit the DCTF federal return and the EFD-Contribuições to July 2020, instead of the normal deadline of April, May and June 2020.

All these tax breaks are temporary and are expected to be phased out at the end of the pandemic.

Federal and States Governments Extend the Deadlines to Enforce Overdue Liabilities Certificates

Based on Ministry of Economy Normative Ruling 103/2020, National Treasury Attorney’s Office (“PGFN”) Normative Ruling 7,821/2020 and Regulation 543/2020, the deadlines to enforce federal tax debts included in Overdue Liabilities Certificates are extended for 90 days, from March 18, 2020, onwards.

In addition, from March 21, 2020, São Paulo State authorities cannot protest Overdue Liabilities Certificates for 90 days. Rio de Janeiro State authorities are prevented from protesting these instruments for 60 days, starting on March 24, 2020.

Once the suspension periods have run, the federal and state authorities will be allowed to enforce the Overdue Liabilities Certificates normally if the deadlines are not amended due to the continuation of the crisis.

Lawful Taxpayer Program’s Adhesion Deadline is Postponed 

The Brazilian Government has launched the “Lawful Taxpayer” Program with Provisional Measure 899/2019, providing regulations for taxpayers and tax authorities to negotiate terms for the settlement of outstanding federal tax debts.

The application deadline for this program was originally March 25, 2020, but has now been extended to June 30, 2020. 

Debt Clearance Certificates’ Expiration Dates are Extended

The National Treasury Attorney General’s Office and the IRS have extended the validity of debt clearance certificates related to Federal Taxes for an additional 90 days. This measure applies to debt clearance certificates that were valid on March 24, 2020.

E-Digital Project Moves Forward 

The Federal Government issued Decree 10,278/2020, which regulates the so-called Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy (E-Digital), launched by the “Economic Freedom Act,” which establishes the right to use, transmit and file any microfilmed or digitalized document with the same standing and legal validity as the physical document.

The decree standardizes the technical and legal requirements for digitizing analog material and submitting private and public documents signed and certified under Brazilian public-key infrastructure standards.

Brazilian Tax Review – February 2020

The Supreme Court Criminalizes the Non-Payment of ICMS Tax

The Supreme Court reached a majority decision to criminalize the non-payment of declared ICMS tax.

According to the court, since the ICMS is an indirect tax, the seller of goods (who pays the ICMS) is reimbursed the tax amount by transferring the charge to the buyer. Thus, the person that actually pays the tax is not the one who bears the financial burden.

For this reason, the Supreme Court held that, if the seller does not pay the ICMS tax included in the price of the goods and itemized in the tax invoice, this conduct will be considered misappropriation.

Notwithstanding, the Supreme Court held that only a seller who consistently and with intent to appropriate fails to pay the ICMS charged to the consumer who purchased the goods will be criminally punished.

Joint Project between the OECD and Brazil’s IRS Issues the First Report on Transfer Pricing in Brazil

In February of 2018, the OECD and Brazil’s IRS launched a joint project to examine the similarities and divergences between the Brazilian and the OECD transfer pricing approaches.

In December of 2019, the joint project issued its first report, which also explores options for Brazil to converge with OECD transfer pricing standards while enhancing the positive attributes of the existing framework.

Now, Brazil has identified a clear pathway for bringing its existing transfer pricing frameworks into alignment with the international consensus and is weighing two options – immediate or gradual implementation.

Brazilian Senate Discusses Bill that Reintroduces Dividend Taxation

A bill under discussion in the Senate would implement a 15% income tax on dividends distributed by Brazilian companies to their shareholders. For beneficiaries resident in tax havens or countries with favorable taxation, the tax rate would be increased to 25%.

The bill was presented to the Economic Affairs Committee of the Senate, where it must be approved. Afterwards, the bill must be approved by the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies before the presidential approval.

Brazil and Paraguay Sign an Automotive Free Trade Agreement

Brazil and Paraguay have signed an agreement that parts and vehicles sold by the two countries will have minimum or zero tariffs.

Paraguayan automotive products, parts and vehicles will have immediate free trade in Brazil. On the other hand, Brazilian products will be taxed at up to 2% in Paraguay, with this taxation being gradually reduced, through the application of preference margins, until the full release of trade at the end of 2022.

The agreement must still be ratified by the Congress and implemented via a presidential decree.

Supreme Court Held that Tax Immunity Covers Export of Products through Trading Companies

The Supreme Court decided for the tax immunity of products exported through trading companies in order to declare the impossibility of levying the PIS and COFINS taxes on these transactions.

The court held that it is not possible to make a tax differentiation between direct sales abroad and indirect exports. According to the decision, domestic sales aimed at the foreign market are, in essence, part of the export itself, and the fact that they occur within Brazil and among Brazilian trading companies does not eliminate the idea of ​​exportation from its economic purpose.

Consequently, these transactions can be equated with an export for tax purposes and are not subject to the PIS and COFINS taxes.

Transportation and Fuel Vouchers or Similar are not Subject to Social Security Contributions

The Brazilian IRS clarified that there are no social security contribution charges on the amounts paid as transportation vouchers, through fuel vouchers or similar. The non-incidence of the contribution is limited to the amount equivalent to what is strictly necessary for the cost of commuting from home to work and vice versa, in public transport.

The employer is entitled to discount only the portion that exceeds 6% of the employee’s basic salary. If the employer fails to discount this percentage of the employee’s salary, or discount a lower percentage, the difference should be considered indirect salary and will be subject to social security contributions and other taxes.

The National Treasury Attorney’s Office Launches an App to Consult Unpaid Debts with the Federal Government

The Attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury launched an application called “Unpaid Debt” that allows citizens to check the debts of companies and individuals with the federal government.

With the app, any citizen can check, through mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), which taxpayers have unpaid debts with the National Treasury and with the Service Guarantee Fund (FGTS).

In addition, the application allows consumers, from reading the QR Code of the invoices issued, to check if the company has active debts in an irregular situation.

It is important to note that debts in installments, guaranteed or with suspended liability are not shown when checking through the app.

Brazilian Tax Review – November 2019

Brazil’s IRS Issues New PIS and COFINS Regulations

Brazilian tax authorities published Normative Ruling 1,911/2019, regulating all tax legislation related to PIS and COFINS, including (i) calculation of the tax owed in the domestic market; (ii) non-cumulative credits; (iii) PIS/COFINS-Import; (iv) special methods for specific industries, such as financial institutions, insurers and reinsurers and agribusiness; (v) the concentrated taxation method; and (vi) special tax benefits, such as DRAWBACK, REPES, RECAP, REIDI and RETAERO.

For the calculation of PIS and COFINS non-cumulative credits, Normative Ruling 1,911/2019 adopted the concept of inputs defined by the Superior Court of Judgment, based on the criteria of the essentiality and relevance of the expenditures in the context of the company’s activity.

Regarding the exclusion of State-VAT (ICMS) from PIS and COFINS bases, allowed by the Brazilian Supreme Court, Normative Ruling 1,911/2019 has reiterated the position of Normative Opinion COSIT Nº 05/2018. In this sense, according to the tax authorities, the amount to be deducted from the PIS and COFINS bases is the ICMS effectively paid by the seller (tax owed net of the non-cumulative credits), and not the amount debited in the fiscal invoice. However, this restrictive opinion issued by the Brazilian tax authorities does not reflect the position of the Brazilian Supreme Court and the taxpayers will certainly challenge it.

Courts Held that Tax Credits Recovered Must Be Included in the Corporate Taxes Bases Only upon Their Offset

 With the recovery of tax credits related to the exclusion of State-VAT (ICMS) from PIS and COFINS bases, Brazilian tax authorities have already taken the position that the credits recovered are subject to the corporate taxes (IRPJ and CSLL) upon the final court decision. However, because such decisions usually do not set a fixed amount to be recovered, the tax authorities accept the taxation when the credits are effectively calculated and booked in the companies’ financial statements.

However, some judicial decisions held that the credits’ legal or economic availability for the taxpayer occurs only upon the actual recovery (offset) of the credits, which means that such credits should be taxed only at that time. Nevertheless, this subject remains controversial and has not yet been settled in the Brazilian Superior Courts.

Brazilian Government Launches the “Lawful Taxpayer” Program

 The Brazilian Government has launched the “Lawful Taxpayer” Program with Provisional Measure 899/2019, providing regulations for taxpayers and tax authorities to negotiate terms for the settlement of outstanding federal tax debts.

This measure authorizes federal tax authorities to reduce interest, penalties and charges by up to 50% of the total debts and allows payment in installments (up to 84 months). For small companies or individuals, the discount could reach 70%, with installments up to 100 months.

Provisional Measure 899/2019 must be converted into law within 60 days of its publication in order to remain applicable.

Brazil’s Economic Freedom Act Has Been Recently Approved

 In the context of government reform, inaugurated by the Labor and Pension Reforms, the Brazilian Congress has recently converted Provisional Measure 881/2019 into Law 13,874/19, also known as the “Economic Freedom Act,” aiming to dismantle the bureaucracies imposed on Brazilian entrepreneurs.

From a tax perspective, the new legislation allows the electronic storage of private documents already stored in a government database and whose integrity has already been verified. Moreover, further regulation will specify some documentation that, even if uncertified, must be considered valid for tax audits.

CONFAZ Allows States to Release New ICMS Amnesty Programs

New ICMS Agreements issued by the Brazilian Finance Policy Council (“Confaz”) authorize some Brazilian states, such as São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Acre, Rondônia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Sergipe, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Alagoas and the Federal District, to waive or reduce penalties and interest related to ICMS debts.

Some states have already enacted rules to launch these programs.

Brazil-Switzerland Social Security Agreement Enters into Force

Decree 10,038/2019 has promulgated in Brazil the Social Security Agreement entered into with Switzerland. This agreement gives each country’s workers who are resident in the territory of the other country the opportunity to take advantage of the contribution periods in the two countries to obtain social security benefits.

Superior Court Held that Reintegra Credits Are Not Taxed by the Corporate Taxes

“Reintegra” is a Brazilian tax benefit aiming at promoting exports of manufactured goods through tax credits to exporters. In this regard, the Superior Court of Justice held that “Reintegra” credits are not considered income and, for this reason, are not included in the corporate taxes (IRPJ and CSLL) bases.

Even though the Superior Court of Justice has held against taxpayers on this matter before, this new decision is an important precedent, which might indicate a new position for future cases.