Subsidies for investment – Issue 1.182.

On April 26, 2023, Brazil’s high tax court, the Superior Court of Justice (‘STJ’), defined the possibility of excluding tax benefits related to the State Value-Added Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS), such as reduction of the basis for calculation, rate reduction, exemption, deferral, among others, from the calculation basis of the Federal Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and Social Contribution on Net Income (CSLL).

A similar question was analyzed by the same Court in 2017, when it specifically judged the possibility of ICMS presumed credits – denominated “positive incentives or benefits – being excluded from the bases for the IRPJ and CSLL, without the need to adhere to the formal requirements of Law 12.973/14 and Complementary Law (LC) 160/17, thus becoming an important paradigm in relation to federal taxation of ICMS tax benefits.

Nonetheless, the same understanding was not settled in terms of being applied to the remaining ICMS benefits – denominated “negative incentives or benefits”– and was submitted to the STJ’s judgment through a series of repetitive appeals.

In this year’s case, the STJ set out the following interpretations: (i) ICMS benefits are only eligible for exclusion from the calculation basis of the IRPJ and CSLL if the company heeds the provision of Article 10 of Complementary Law 160 and Article 30 of Law 12.973/14 and the subsidy can be recorded in the equity of the company’s books; (ii) Proof of concession as stimulation for implementation or expansion of a project will not be required when the requisites of Article 30 of Law 12.973/14 are fulfilled; and (iii) The Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau (RFB) may assess the company for IRPJ and CSLL if it is ascertained that the amounts arising from the tax benefits have been used for purposes foreign to the guarantee of the economic project’s viability, that is, if the gains arising from the benefit were distribute to the company’s shareholders.

The decision, despite being definitive, has generated numerous controversies of interpretation, both conceptual and accounting, which should be clarified by the Federal Government.


Brazilian Federal Government publishes Provisory Measure aimed at altering taxation of overseas investments

The federal government aims to change the taxation of assets maintained by Brazilian individuals abroad, as well as to expand the range of tax exemption from the Individual Income Tax (IRPF) in Brazil.  These two matters are covered by Provisory Measure (MP) 1.171/2023, which was enacted on April 30, 2023.

The main innovation of the MP is applicable to the taxation of individuals shareholders which control entities abroad.  Under the new rules, in case the subsidiary entity earn more than 20% of passive income (royalties, dividends, interests, rental property, or other among of passive income), or if it is set up in a tax haven, Brazilian taxation of the profits obtained abroad will take place at the end of each fiscal year (December 31), even if such earnings are not distributed to the shareholders.

Annual earnings of more than R$ 6,000 will be subject to a progressive rate, varying between 15%, if the earnings are below R$ 50,000, and 22.5%, if they are above this amount.

Moreover, the MP revoked provisions that called for exemption of capital gains accrued by the sale of goods acquired based on non-resident status, as well as the legal provision that exempted from taxation the gains resulting from exchange variation upon the sale of assets originally acquired in foreign currency.

The deadline for consideration of the MP ends on August 27, 2024, and, even if it becomes converted into a law, the original text should undergo changes, in that so far over one hundred amendments to the original text have already been presented.


Brazilian Senate approves Treaty to Eliminate Double Taxation between Brazil and Uruguay

Brazil’s Federal Senate approved on June 15, 2023, the text of the Brazil-Uruguay Convention for the Elimination of Double Taxation in Relation to Taxes on Income and Capital and to Prevent Tax Evasion.

This new Treaty introduces certain novelties.  Among them is Article 13 – Technical Services, which authorizes taxation of this type of payment overseas, both by the nation of Residence and the nation of the Source.  In the latter case, taxation is limited to 10%, in line with the new treaties signed by Brazil with the Arab Emirates and Singapore.

By and large, the treaties that follow the standard set by the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) determine that taxation of service earnings should be imposed only by the nation of Residence, based on the article dealing with Profits of companies (Article 7).  Accordingly, Brazil is going against the grain of such interpretation, even given the country’s declared interest in following OECD policy and becoming part of the Organization.

Now, the text of the treaty should be approved by President Luis Inácio da Silva, for subsequent publication of the respective Legislative Decree, at which time the treaty will begin to produce effects.


RFB Alters Interpretation on Assessment of PIS/COFINS-Importation on Licensing of Overseas Software

Through the recent Resolution of COSIT Inquiry 107/23, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau (RFB) changed its interpretation regarding the levying of the Social Integration Program and Social Security Finance Contribution (PIS/COFINS) on Importation of software licensing sourced from abroad.

Previously, the tax authorities believed that PIS/COFINS-Importation should not be levied on remittance of amounts abroad resulting from non-personalized software licensing, as they involved payment of royalties for the availability of an intangible asset, rather than consideration for a service provided.

However, based on the recent interpretation by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on the levying of the municipal Service Tax (ISS) on software licensing, the tax authorities changed their orientation and now consider the licensing of computer software programs as importation of services subject to the PIS/COFINS-Importation.

It is important to stress that Resolutions of Inquiries are binding on the RFB, such that taxpayers who do not adopt their interpretations are subject to questioning by the tax authorities.

At any rate, this new interpretation by the tax authorities will be strongly fought by taxpayers, since the STF’s decision specifically analyzed legislation and tax-triggering events relating to the state ICMS and municipal ISS and has not yet analyzed the requirement to pay the federal PIS/COFINS-Importation on the contracting of services and digital goods coming from abroad.


Brazil Finally Approves Alignment of its Transfer Pricing Rules to the OECD

Law 14.596/2023, which provides for new Brazilian Transfer Pricing Rules, has finally been approved by Presidential sanction.  The law is the result of the conversion of Provisory Measure 1.152/2022, enacted on the final working day of 2022, which was approved by the Nation’s Congress in May 2023.

Now, with the sanction by Brazil’s President and its enactment and publication, Brazil’s Transfer Pricing rules are in line with the directives of the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD).

Application of the new rules by companies operating here will be optional for this fiscal year (2023), and mandatory as from fiscal year 2024.

Among the alterations, the most important are the end of fixed profit margins for calculation of the parameter price in the arm’s length approach and the adoption of transactional methods.

Now it remains for Brazil’s Federal Revenue Bureau (RFB) to regulate the manners for application and proof of compliance with the new rules, as well as fulfillment of accessory obligations.


Loss of effectiveness of MP 1.160/2023 – Casting Vote in the Administrative Tax Appeals Council (CARF)

Provisory Measure 1.160, which had determined the casting vote as the exclusive criterion for breaking ties at the Administrative Tax Appeals Council (CARF), lost its validity effective June 1, 2023.  Now, the previous rule once again comes into effect, such that in case of a tie in the voting of a judgment, the issue will be resolved in the taxpayer’s favor.

The government has already proposed a new Law to re-establish the casting vote rule, aiming for the reflex of such a rule in taxation, since the tendency is to favor the government’s position in CARF decisions.  Such initiative was presented as part of the new taxation framework here in Brazil, though it has not yet been approved by Congress.


Jurisdiction of Brazilian Central Bank to regulate Legal Framework for Cryptocurrencies

Federal Government recently introduced an important change in the regulation of the market for virtual assets, including cryptocurrencies, by means of Decree 11.563/23.

This decree is aimed at regulating certain aspects of the Legal Framework for Cryptocurrencies (Law 14.478/22), establishing principles and concepts to be involved in the so-called “operations with virtual assets”, which apply also to the exchanges located here in Brazil.

One relevant measure adopted by the Executive Branch is the power granted to the Brazilian Central Bank – BACEN to regulate, authorize and supervise the service providers related to virtual assets, as well as to deliberate on other issues covered by the Law.

Moreover, the Decree strengthens the jurisdiction of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) to regulate the cryptocurrencies considered as securities and the Brazilian National Consumer Protection System, when applicable.  Such measures represent a significant step forward in the definition of a regulatory framework for virtual assets in Brazil.


Brazilian Tax Reform – Chief aspects

The base text for the nation’s reform of taxes on consumption was introduced just over a month ago, on July 7, by the Chamber of Deputies when it approved the Bill for a Constitutional Amendment (PEC) 45/2019.

Along general lines, PEC 45 replaces five existing taxes and contributions, the federal Social Integration Program – PIS, Social Security Finance Contribution – COFINS, and excise tax – IPI, as well as the state tax on circulation of goods and services – ICMS and municipal service tax – ISS, with the Selective Tax – IS, Goods and Services Tax – IBS, and Goods and Services Contribution – CBS.


Selective Tax

The Selective Tax will be of the “extra-fiscal” type and is to be levied on the production, sale or importation of goods and services harmful to health or the environment, with there also being the possibility that it may be levied on operations involving electric power, telecom services, petroleum by-products, fuels, and minerals.



The CBS (federal) and IBS (state and municipal) taxes will adopt the value-added model, with a broad base of incidence and uniform rates aimed at complete non-cumulativeness.

The proposal is for these taxes to be levied on operations, including importation, involving material or immaterial goods, including rights and services.  At this point in time, no rates have been set yet for these taxes, which will be defined by each entity of the Brazilian federation by means of specific laws.

There is further provision for the possibility of reduced and differentiated rates for specific goods and services, such as fuels and lubricants, financial services, operations with real estate assets, health-care coverage plans, among others.

In addition to these main issues, the proposal deals with punctual alterations in the rules for the Automotive Vehicle Property Tax – IPVA, Inheritance and Donations Tax – ITCMD, and Urban Property Tax – IPTU.

Transition to the new model is slated to take 8 years as from 2026, until the IS, CBS and IBS are fully effective.

After it passes the Chamber of Deputies, the project will go to the Senate, where it will need to be approved by a qualified majority, that is, by 49 senators (3/5 of the total), in two sessions.  In case the text is substantially changed (not just changes in wording), it will have to go back to the Chamber of Deputies.  In case such a situation should arise, it is possible that there will be enactment of part of the Tax Reform, including just the portion that passes both legislative bodies.


UK Treaty to Avoid Double Taxation with Brazil is approved by the Royal Council

On July 19, 2023, the Council of King Charles III solemnly approved the text of the Convention to Eliminate Double Taxation between Brazil and the United Kingdom, which was signed in November 2022.  The text had already passed the House of Commons, such that the Treaty is now officially approved by the Government of the United Kingdom.

On the other hand, in Brazil the nation’s Congress has not even begun analyzing the Convention’s Draft and there is no forecast as to when this will occur.


US postpones rule establishing terms for offsetting foreign tax credits

On July 21, 2023, the Internal Revenue Service issued tax relief aimed at US companies that have foreign tax credits which can be offset in the US.

The norm established that, for 2022 and 2023, such taxpayers will be eligible for waiver from taxes paid abroad for US tax purposes, as provided by sections 901 and 903 of the Internal Revenue Code Notice.

The norm will prevail again as from January 1, 2024.


New Brazilian transfer pricing rules can already be used by companies as from fiscal year 2023

At the end of 2022, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau (RFB) published Provisory Measure (MP) 1152/2022, which altered the nation’s transfer pricing rules, bringing them more into line with the rules applicable under the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development – OECD.

The alterations brought about in Brazil’s transfer pricing rules may already be applied this year for such controlled transactions in fiscal year 2023, although they are only mandatorily required as from the start of 2024.

Accordingly, on February 24, 2023, the RFB published Normative Instruction IN RFB 2132/2023, which regulated the manner, period, and terms for early application of the MP in question.

Taxpayers interested in taking advantage of this early adoption of the new transfer pricing rules in relation to their 2023 operations are to formally express such intention through a digital process.  This involves filling out an affidavit made available on the Internet by the RFB between September 1st and 30th of this year.


Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF) makes a “final unappealable decision” a relative matter, in a controversial ruling

On February 8, 2023, Brazil’s highest court, the STF, ruled that decisions favorable to taxpayers on a “final unappealable basis” (in rem judicatam) will be automatically annulled if, in a subsequent ruling, the same court upheld the constitutionality of the tax or contribution under discussion.

In the appeal to the STF, the concrete case involved the declaration of unconstitutionality of the federal Social Contribution on Net Income (CSLL), obtained by a taxpayer in the 1990’s, during which period the decision involved a final unappealable one.  Subsequently, in 2007, the STF ruled that the CSLL requirement was in fact constitutional.  Thereupon, there ensued a discussion about what precisely would be the effect of the declaration of CSLL constitutionality in individual cases involving concentrated control (direct appeal to the STF – ADI 15 – hence, affecting all taxpayers) that were decided on a final unappealable basis in favor of taxpayers.

Hence, without there being any need to file an action to overrule a final judgment, the STF declared that there will be automatic annulment of the effects of any such final judgments that are contrary to a subsequent ruling regarding the constitutionality of government tax claims.  This controversial ruling would affect all taxes and contributions, not being restricted to the CSLL specifically discussed in such case.

In this context, such decision could impact taxpayers who have “final unappealable decisions” in other cases involving any taxes and contributions, such as, for example, the levying of the federal Excise Tax (IPI) on the resale of imported products.

Moreover, there are several doubts among taxpayers as regards application of this decision that probably will be covered by appeals requesting clarification thereof, at which time hopefully the market will have better clarifications with respect to this wide-ranging and controversial matter.


Senate approves treaty for exchange of tax information between Brazil and Guernsey

The Brazilian Senate has passed the Treaty between Brazil and Guernsey for the Exchange of Information Related to Tax Matters.

Guernsey is an island and bailiwick (county) in the English Channel that is not a formal part of the United Kingdom.  Together with the bailiwick of Jersey, which is larger and closer to the French Coast, it forms the Channel Islands.

The treaty aims to combat fraud and tax evasion, as well as curb the room for practices that are considered tax avoidance schemes and abusive tax planning transactions.  It also seeks to strive for greater transparency and enhanced cooperation between the tax administrations of both Brazil and Guernsey.

The Treaty will take effect after issuance of a Presidential Decree by Brazil’s President Lula.


STF suspends decisions that cut in half rates for federal PIS and COFINS contributions on financial revenues

Brazil’s highest court, the STF, suspended the effectiveness of court decisions that either expressly or tacitly did away with application of a Presidential Decree that re-established the rates of the federal contributions known as PIS and COFINS Social Security Contributions, levied on the financial revenues of companies subject to the non-cumulative system.

On the final working day of last year (December 30, 2022), the nation’s former Vice-President, Hamilton Mourão, who was then serving as the acting President, issued an executive fiat (Decree) that cut the PIS and COFINS rates in half on taxation of companies´ financial revenues.  The PIS was reduced from 0.65% to 0.33% and the COFINS from 4% to 2%.  The new rates were to have taken effect immediately, which means they were applicable as from January 1st, 2023.

Nevertheless, as soon as he took office on January 1st, 2023, incoming President Lula published a new, immediately effective decree that revoked the previous one and maintained the same rates paid by such corporate taxpayers ever since 2015 (0.65% and 4%).

Lula’s decree was upheld by the STF based on a restraining order (preliminary injunction) granted in the case of Declaratory Constitutionality Suit 84, which is still subject to a vote by the Supreme Court’s plenary sitting.


Alteration of taxation on fuels and institution of Export Duty

Brazil’s tax rules have changed substantially this year, particularly as regards fuels.  For instance, at the beginning of last month (March 1st, 2023), the federal government laid down Provisory Measure (MP)1163/23, which established the following tax exemptions: (i) suspension until June 30th, 2023, of payment of the contributions known as the PIS/COFINS-importation on operations involving jet fuel (kerosene) and natural gas for vehicles (known in Brazil as GNV), and (ii) suspension of payment until December 30th, 2023, of the PIS/COFINS contributions on petroleum imports by the nation’s refineries.

Furthermore, this new MP kept the rate of the federal tax on fuels (CIDE, formally known as the Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain) on gasoline and its by-products, except jet fuel, initially set for February 28th, 2023, which was extended until June 30th, 2023.

In addition to the exemption measures, the new norm called – with immediate effect and through June 30th, 2023 – for the levying of an Export Duty on operations involving the exportation of crude oil at the hefty rate of almost ten per cent (9.2%).  Brazil’s O&G market was taken aback by the sudden institution of such a steep export duty rate, given that export operations carried out by companies operating here have traditionally been exempt and the agreements already signed with overseas counterparts have no clauses covering the financial impact of this surprising tax measure.

Given this startling turn of events, many of the nation’s political parties joined forces with the Brazilian Association of O&G E&P Companies (ABEP) and filed direct unconstitutionality appeals to the STF against MP 1163/23.  They alleged in their suit that the Export Duty is merely an “extra-fiscal” tax aimed at maintaining the government’s economic equilibrium and that institution thereof on oil is solely intended to offset the government’s losses given the exemptions granted with respect to fuels.  None of the appeal actions have been considered yet by the Supreme Court.


Reduction of AFRMM rates

At the close of the Bolsonaro administration, on December 30th, 2022, yet another severe federal tax rate cut was attempted by the outgoing government in the form of Decree 11.321/2022.  This drastic measure would have reduced by half the rates of the Freight Surcharge for Merchant Marine Renewal (AFRMM).  The latter contribution is levied on maritime navigation transport operations at rates ranging from 8% to 40% of the amount thereof, depending on the modus operandi contracted.

The reduction would be significant, though the new administration of President Lula swiftly enacted Decree 11.374/2023 to revoke this and other norms on as from the first day of this year 2023.

Nevertheless, the AFRMM is a contribution that must obey the Annuality Tax Principle, which determines that taxes can only be collected in the year after their creation or increase, or at least, 90 days thereafter.  Thus, the re-establishment of the rates brought on by Decree 11.374/2023 may only be required in the next fiscal year, that is as from January 1st, 2024.

Therefore, there are good legal arguments for pleading in court to uphold the AFRMM discounts until the end of this fiscal year (December 31st, 2023), in case it represents a material opportunity for companies subject to this contribution.



Norway and Brazil sign new Treaty to avoid Double Taxation

On November 4th, 2022, Brazil signed an international agreement with Norway that, among other things, would eliminate double taxation on income, as well as prevent tax evasion.

The purpose of the new agreement is to update and modernize – based on best international practices – the rules of the tax treaty in force that was signed between the two nations over three decades ago (Decree 86.710/1981).

The new treaty determines specific provision regarding offshore activities and brought about several changes, including a separate article to deal with the taxation of remuneration for technical services.

The novelty brought by the treaty is in article 23 which established that, if an enterprise carries on exploration or exploitation of the seabed or subsoil or their natural resources in a state for a period of more than 30 days within a 12-month period, the activity shall be deemed to be carried on through a permanent establishment, resulting in taxation.

Validity of the new international agreement still depends on the text being ratified by the Brazilian Congress and signed into law by the country’s President.


Brazil signs another Treaty to avoid Double Taxation, now with the UK

On November 29, 2022, Brazil signed another international treaty, this time with the United Kingdom, to eliminate double taxation on income and prevent tax evasion.  Until now, the two countries did not have such a treaty signed and the new measure will contribute to greater legal security between them, potential increase in the flow of investments and reduced tax burden.

This agreement is in line with the Convention Model of the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) guidance and with the OECD’s project for Erosion of the Domestic Tax Base and Shifting of Profits (BEPS), and has been developed by this international institution in a clear movement in the process of Brazil signing on to the OECD.

The Treaty with the UK has introduced certain novelties in relation to those already signed by Brazil with other nations so far, notably: (i) tax rate of 10% levied on the payment of royalties (rather than 15% as in most of the agreements signed by Brazil with other countries); (ii) a specific article to regulate taxation of payments for technical services, including reduction of rates applicable in the first years of effect; and (iii) mutual agreement procedure for granting adjustments on operations subject to transfer pricing operations.

The final text further depends on certain procedures in Brazil and the UK and will require the text to be ratified by Brazil’s Congress and signed into law by the President of the Republic.


Waiver of financial statements for Brazilian subsidiaries overseas

On December 13, 2022, Brazil’s highest administrative tax appeals panel, the Administrative Tax Appeals Council (CARF), did away with arbitration of profit for Brazilian income tax purposes (Corporate Income Tax – IRPJ and Social Contribution on Net Income – CSLL) for subsidiaries of Brazilian companies set up in the US State of Delaware and in Panama.

Under a strict interpretation of Brazilian legislation, in case of non-submission of tax documents and record books, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau (RFB) is to arbitrate a company’s profit and, based on this amount, set IRPJ and CSLL taxation.  With respect to cases where Brazilian companies have subsidiaries overseas, our legislation calls for financial statements to be drawn up according to the norms of the commercial legislation in effect in the country of domicile.

Nonetheless, in determined locations and under specific circumstances – as in the case of Delaware and Panama – there is no local requirement for preparation and publication of financial statements.

Despite this waiver regarding preparation of financial statements, the RFB recently assessed a company with registered offices here and arbitrated the profit accrued by its overseas subsidiaries, alleging that it had not submitted the latter’s financial statements.

However, the prevailing interpretation is that such profit cannot be arbitrated, since the Brazilian company is not subject to such arbitration in relation to that part of its overall accrual that comes from subsidiary companies headquartered in places that waive the preparation of financial statements.


New transfer pricing rules

Towards the end of last year, December 29, 2022, Brazil’s transfer pricing rules changed substantially with Provisory Measure (MP) 1.152/2022 as regards determination of transfer prices on controlled transactions carried out between Brazilian companies and their related parties abroad.

The new set of regulations, which was one of the requirements for Brazil to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD), establishes new methods for determination of transfer prices, including on operations involving services and intangible items, always based on the international arm’s length principle:

• Independent Comparable Price (abbreviated here as PIC);

• Resale Price less Profit (PRL in Brazil);

• Cost less Profit (MCL here);

• Net Transaction Margin (MLT in Brazil);

• Division of Profit (MDL); and

• Other alternative methods that can be justified by the taxpayer.

Owing to adoption of the arm’s length principle, criteria based on arbitration of margins and/or interest rates have been replaced by comparative transactional methods, for purposes of IRPJ and CSLL deductibility.

Among other relevant aspects that can be noted, the following also deserve being highlighted:

• The amount of the adjustment relating to transfer prices is to be reimbursed by the overseas related party to the Brazilian company, subject to updating at the rate of 12% p.a., for as long as it remains unsettled; and

• The interest related to operations for supply of financial resources which, according to the criteria established by the Provisory Measure, may be considered as a capital operation, are to be considered non-deductible for IRPJ/CSLL purposes.

Besides the new transfer pricing rules, MP 1.152/2022 restricts deductibility of royalties and technical, scientific, administrative or similar assistance in cases of payments to: a)  beneficiaries domiciled in states with favorable or privileged taxation rules (the so-called “tax havens”); b) related parties, in cases in which deduction of the expense results in double non-taxation; and c) when the amounts are intended to finance related parties resulting in the cases highlighted above.

Provisory Measure (MP) 1.152/2022 only takes effect as from January 1, 2024, though the new rules may be adopted already in 2023 at the taxpayer’s option.


Travel Agencies – Reduction of Brazilian Federal Withholding Income Tax

To enhance the competitiveness of Brazilian travel agencies on international operations where they serve as intermediaries, the Federal Government has enacted Provisory Measure (MP) 1.138/2022 to reduce the Withholding Income Tax (IRRF) on such operations for a total five-year period.

At present, the IRRF rate on remittances made from Brazil to overseas firms intended to cover the expenditures of Brazilians on international trips is 25%.  Considering that the tourism industry was one of the ones most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the IRRF rate will be reduced to 6%, with progressive increases of 1% every year and ceasing in 2027 at a 9% rate.

Considering that this Provisory Measure was published on September 22, 2022, its 60-day effective period was to have terminated on November 20, 2022.  Even so, since it has not yet been debated by the nation’s Congress, its effective period has been tacitly extended for an equal period, hence closing on March 3, 2023 (final deadline considering the annual Congressional recess).

Accordingly, it is necessary for travel agencies to pay attention in relation to the deadline for this MP’s effective period.  This is because if it does not become converted into a law, travel agencies operating here will still be subject to the 25% IRRF rate on remittances made overseas to cover the expenditures of Brazilians on international trips.


Superior Court of Justice – Interest on Capital Invested in Prior Years

In recent judgments, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) handed down two decisions favorable to taxpayers, authorizing the deductibility of expenses incurred by companies on payment of expenses for Interest on Capital Invested (JCP) from prior years.

The decisions that define the legal basis for the JCP do not impose any time limit for deductions of payments made on this basis.  They merely reiterate the condition that the company must have profits for the year or retained earnings and earnings reserve in an amount equal to or greater than twice the JCP that will be paid.  As regards the accrual basis of accounting, the rulings determined that the obligation to pay the JCP arises when decided by the shareholders and at this time the expense is to be recognized accounting-wise, as is the respective tax ramification.

Although the two judgments highlighted here have not been affected as repetitive appeals, this positioning on the part of the STJ merely reinforces its interpretation favorable to the deduction of prior years’ JCP, an issue that has been debated for more than a decade now.

These precedents reinforce the importance of such interest, besides providing greater legal security to companies availing themselves of this option as a means of remunerating the capital invested by their shareholder.


New Administration intends to take up tax reform again

With the new government of President Luis Inácio da Silva (Lula), the Ministry of the Treasury will now have seven secretariats, as follows: Executive Secretariat; Special Federal Revenue Secretariat; National Treasury Secretariat; International Affairs Secretariat; Economic Policy Secretariat; Economic Reforms Secretariat; and Extraordinary Secretariat for Tax Reform.

The new Treasury Minister, Fernando Haddad, who took over his position on January 1, 2023, has appointed economist Bernard Appy as Secretary for Tax Reform.

Bernard Appy is the author of the bill for Constitutional Amendment 45/2019, which calls for the unification of all the taxes presently levied on consumption at present with just a single Tax on Goods and Services (“IBS”).

In interviews, Bernard Appy has stated that he is confident that approval of the new system of taxing consumption will be granted next year, which has aroused considerable expectations on the part of the market.


Government Extends Benefits on Taxation of Brazilian Multinational Profits

The Brazilian federal government has enacted a provisory measure (MP) that renews for two years certain provisions that deal with worldwide taxation set to expire as from 2023.

The first extension refers to the possibility of consolidating the P&L of all Brazilian company’s overseas subsidiaries and the second extension refers to the possibility of a presumed 9% credit on the foreign tax calculation basis, which can be used to offset the difference between the tax paid abroad (usually 25%) and that paid in Brazil (34%).  This applies to overseas investees involved in manufacturing beverages and food products, construction of buildings and infrastructure projects, besides industries in general.

The Brazilian market received such extensions with tremendous relief.  This is because, without renewal, both benefits would cease being effective as from 2023, making taxation of our nation’s multinationals more complex and possibly making them lose their competitiveness.


Income Tax Exemption for Certain Investments Made by Foreigners

A Provisory Measure (MP) issued by the Brazilian government reduced to zero the income tax owed by foreigners who have certain investments here.

Under the new rule, the exemption applies to the earnings of parties resident or domiciled abroad that are shareholders of Funds for Investment in Infrastructure Equity Interests (FIP-IE) and Investment in Equity Interest in Intensive Economic Production in Research, Development and Innovation (FIP-PD&I) that are received between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2027.

Moreover, also exempted from income tax are a series of earnings received by overseas residents generated by bonds or securities that are publicly distributed, issued by private companies not classified as financial institution or mutual funds investing in credit rights regulated by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), the originating party of assignor of which is not a financial institution.

The exemptions mentioned above are also valid for investments made by sovereign funds even if they are headquartered in tax havens.

Brazil expects that, with these tax benefits, it will be able to obtain funding from foreign resources for investment in the nation’s financial market.


Brazil’s Federal Supreme Court (STF) Suspends Reduction of Excise Tax (IPI) Granted by Federal Government

In February of 2022, the Brazilian Federal Government issued a Decree reducing the federal Excise Tax (IPI) by as much as 25% for most products sold in Brazil.  In April, it issued a new decree upping the IPI reduction to 35%, except for products produced in the Manaus Duty-Free Zone (ZFM), which were to maintain the 25% reduction.

Even so, through a provisional remedy, the STF suspended the effectiveness of the decrees and blocked the IPI reduction for products produced in the ZFM.  The decision was handed down to preserve the competitiveness of the ZFM, which could be prejudiced by the IPI reduction in the nation’s other regions.

The STF’s decision has triggered doubts among taxpayers, especially regarding the beginning of its effectiveness and exactly which products are covered.  Thus, companies operating in Brazil are awaiting new pronouncements by the tax authorities regarding the definition of such issues.


Brazilian Federal Government Bars PIS/COFINS Credits on Fuel Purchases

In March of 2022, the Brazilian National Congress passed Complementary Law 192/22, which called for “single phase” state value-added tax on goods and services (ICMS) with respect to fuels, including imported ones, based on a fixed rate per volume sold.

The Law also introduced an exemption from the federal contributions PIS/COFINS on fuels in 2022, guaranteeing the maintenance of the credits for the purchaser of the exonerated product.

However, in May 2022, the Federal Government issued a Provisory Measure 1.118/2022, withdrawing the possibility of companies taking PIS/COFINS credits on their purchases of fuels, even if used as raw materials.

This measure was poorly received by the market, as its effect will be to increase freight costs, increasing the so-called “Brazil cost”.


New ancillary obligation for the municipal Service Tax (ISS) in the municipality where the service is performed has now been regulated

Ever since 2016, Brazilian tax legislation has called for Service Tax to be levied in the place where the contractor party is registered for some services, such as health-care coverage plans, commercial leasing and agency services, franchising, and factoring, as well as mutual fund, consortia, credit or debit card and commercial leasing management.

However, only now has the Standardized Declaration for the Municipal Tax been instituted.  This form, called the “DEPISS”, is to be filed by the performers of services whose ISS is owed to the municipality where the party for whom the services are provided is domiciled.

For the services in question, the taxpayer will have up to August 13, 2022, to develop the unified standard electronic system (DEPISS), either individually or in conjunction with other forms and systems, and to make it available for government ratification.

Therefore, the taxpayers themselves will be responsible for doing this.

It should be mentioned that there is a preliminary injunction granted by the Supreme Court, the STF, that suspended the obligation to pay over the ISS to the municipality where the party for whom the services are performed is registered.  Accordingly, it will be important to observe the position taken by the municipal tax authorities, considering the possibility of charges in case of non-compliance with this obligation.


Relativity of final unappealable decision – STF begins judgment that deals with loss of right with new court decision

At the beginning of May 2022, the STF started judging two extraordinary appeals, i.e., regarding constitutionality, that deal with limits of a final unappealable decision (rem judicatam) in tax matters.

The reporting ministers of the two cases voted to define that a taxpayer that obtained a final unappealable decision favorable to their interests would automatically lose their rights (without any need for the government to file an action for revision) in case of a new STF decision on the same matter contrary to the interpretation of the decision in the taxpayer’s individual case.

The judgment is currently suspended due to a request for review by one of the STF Justice, though prior to the suspension the score was 4×0 against taxpayers.

The thesis that is presently prevailing has been subject to criticisms in the legal milieu since it is contrary to the principle of legal security and the institution of a final unappealable decision.

No date has yet been set for the two cases to be judged again.


Global Mobility – Remote work overseas

Recently, with the expansion of the possibilities for remote work, the displacement of human-power between countries has become increasingly a fact of daily life, which has brought on significant challenges for companies.

In carrying out movements in this sense, either at the initiative of companies or even by the employees themselves, the legal issues — chiefly involving labor, social security, and tax aspects — should be carefully examined.

In the tax sphere, companies need to pay attention to compliance with the obligations imposed by fiscal entities, given the norms that vary from one country to another (territory income x worldwide income systems).  By the same token, employees need to adapt themselves to the norms of the nations where they fiscally and physically reside, avoiding potential material impacts derived from double taxation by the nations involved.

From a labor standpoint, the recently published Provisory Measure 1.108, established, among other issues, the application of Brazilian legislation to the work contracts of employees hired in Brazil that elect to carry out work over the Internet when located abroad.

Despite this being just the beginning of specific regulation on this issue, we note that the authorities are trying to track the evolution of the procedures adopted by companies, for which reason the preventive adoption of good practices has become necessary to mitigate undesirable risks.


Exchange Legal Framework – Rules for remitting royalties abroad

The alterations proposed by Law 14.286/21 for the Brazilian exchange market have introduced important modifications in relation to remittances of royalties for benefits overseas.

The first deals with the new non-requirement to register contracts with the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) as a requisite for tax deductibility for expenses on royalties.  Now, all that’s needed is to register such contracts with the nation’s patent office (INPI).  This is an important step for cutting red tape on remittances.

Moreover, the new law eliminates the prohibition against remittances of royalties between Brazilian subsidiaries/branches and their overseas head offices in amounts exceeding their tax deductibility in Brazil.  Now, Brazilian companies can pay royalties to the foreign holding company irrespective of the amount that legislation considers deductible for calculation of their Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ).

The new provisions of the Exchange Legal Framework are scheduled to take effect on December 30, 2022, so until this date taxpayers should be on the lookout for possible changes to be made in tax legislation.


OECD – New Transfer Pricing Rules

In April of 2022, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau (RFB), in conjunction with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), announced that it is working on a Bill to change Brazil’s transfer pricing rules.

According to the Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes, this is an important step for the nation to join the OECD and favors approximating Brazil to international markets and attracting foreign investors, as well as preventing tax evasion and double taxation.

Currently, corporate taxpayers need to choose from among the methods called for under Brazilian legislation that involve arbitrated and fixed profit margins. In this new scenario, the transfer price to be adopted in an operation between related parties would be obtained by means of comparison with other similar operations carried out by independent parties, in line with the principles established by the OECD.

The Federal Government’s intention is to introduce the draft bill to the National Congress this year.


STF – Unconstitutionality of CIDE levy on remittances abroad

Brazilian Supreme Court is examining the constitutionality of the Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain (CIDE) being levied on remittances abroad for payments under agreements covering licenses for use and transfer of technology, technical, administrative assistance, and similar services, even if without transfer of technology, as well as royalties.

The general repercussion of this issue was recognized by the STF in 2016 (Issue 914), and the debate mainly deals with the mandatory requirement for there to be transfer of technology for the CIDE to be levied.

At the time of the publication of Law 10.168/2000, the contribution was due only on remittances abroad relating to service agreements and royalties when there was transfer of technology.  Nonetheless, after the changes introduced by Law 10.332/2001, the range for levying the CIDE was expanded to even cover cost-sharing and administrative agreements.

The judgment had been set for just over a month ago (May 18, 2022) but was excluded by one of the Minister for an indefinite length of time.  With this, corporate taxpayers are now anxiously awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision, since there is now the possibility that CIDE amounts unduly paid may be recovered if its unconstitutionality in several cases is recognized.


Limitation of the U.S. Tax Credit

 On December 28, 2021, the U.S. Treasury Department enacted TD 9959 to restrict the offset of withholding income tax (WIT) amounts paid in the case of countries whose tax systems are not compatible with the U.S.’s – and Brazil is one of such cases.

There are substantial differences between the Brazilian and U.S. tax systems, especially (i) regarding the criteria adopted for withholding income taxation, and (ii) with respect to the transfer pricing methods presently applied in Brazil, which are not yet in harmony with international practices (established by the OECD).

Such changes have caused great fears regarding double taxation in the Brazilian market, as the amounts of remittances from Brazil to U.S. taxpayers would be subject to both the Brazilian Withholding Income Tax – IRRF (15%) and the U.S. income tax (21%).

Consequently, specialists are forecasting increases in the prices of products and services imported into Brazil, as a means of passing the burdens of companies on to local consumers.


Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF) rules on state value-added tax (ICMS) on electric power and telecom services

The Brazilian Federal Constitution established that States may assign different ICMS rates depending on the product or service sold.  Nevertheless, it is necessary to observe the selectiveness of such goods and services since higher rates should be applied to goods and services that are less essential or goods considered superfluous, and lower rates should be applied to goods and services considered essential.

However, Brazilian states set rates for ICMS on operations involving sale of electric power and telecom services that are higher than the ordinary rates levied on sales of common goods and services, violating constitutional rules.

In this sense, this month (December of 2021) the STF decided that, since electric power and telecom services are essential to the population and to overall economic activities, their ICMS tax rate should be the regular rate (around 17%), and the setting of higher rates by the States is unconstitutional.

The decision has general repercussion, as it will apply to all taxpayers that purchase electric power and telecom services.

The STF determined that the effect of the decision will only be applied as from financial year 2024, except for those lawsuits filed up to the date of the commencement of the judgment, on February 5, 2021.

Modulation of the effects of the decision surprised taxpayers since they were expecting that the STF would determine that the ruling would be valid for suits filed up to the day before the notice of the final decision.

Taxpayers that filed suits before February 5, 2021, will be able to recover ICMS taxes overpaid in the last five years, as from the date their suits were filed.


Federal Administrative Tax Appeals Council (CARF) alters interpretation regarding taxation of income of companies abroad

Federal legislation establishes that Brazilian taxation of results accrued by foreign subsidiaries, affiliates and branches will occur under the worldwide tax system.

On the other hand, Article 7 of the Tax Treaty to avoid double taxation and prevent tax evasion signed by Brazil, establish that business profits of a foreign enterprise may not be taxed by Brazil.

Nonetheless, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau (RFB) applies worldwide taxation, even in cases where the foreign company is located in a State that has a treaty signed with Brazil, alleging that there is no incompatibility between Brazilian law and such agreements/treaties.

Given this impasse, the Supreme Federal Administrative Tax Appeals Council (CSRF – the highest court in the administrative sphere) concluded that domestic law is contrary to the Treaties, and decided that the provisions of the international agreements should prevail, thus preventing taxation by Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and Social Contribution on Net Income (CSLL).

The decision in question resulted from a tie among the council members and only occurred due to the so-called “pro-taxpayer tie-breaking vote” pursuant to Article 19-E of Law 10.522/2002, which establishes that, in case of a tie, the decision has to be resolved in the taxpayer’s favor.

Nevertheless, it is important to point out that the constitutionality of the “tie-breaking vote” is under discussion by the STF, through Direct Appeals for Unconstitutionality, and if the”pro-taxpayer tie-breaking vote” is extinguished, it is possible that there will be a new alteration in the interpretation reached by administrative councils/courts.


CARF – No Individual Income Tax (IRPF) on gains resulting from stock option plans

In analyzing a debate involving the taxation of gains accrued through stock option plans, the Federal Administrative Tax Appeals Council (CARF) decided, in a pro-taxpayer tie-breaking vote, that such agreements were mercantile in nature, rather than some form of remuneration.

As far as the tax authorities are concerned, gains obtained under stock option plans should be interpreted as yields resulting from work.  In the concrete case judged, the taxpayer was assessed for omission of earnings in his/her income tax return.

In his/her defense, the taxpayer alleged that the stock option plan was not linked to performance and the productivity targets of the professionals involved, for which reason it could not be considered remuneration.

After conducting a meticulous analysis of the stock option plan agreement, the CARF decided that it was not to be classified remuneration, as they believed that the key elements of a mercantile agreement were present (voluntary, onerous, and risk-taking nature).

In this sense, the only taxation that would apply would be the imposition of Income Tax over any capital gain, when the shares acquired are sold.


CARF – Revenues derived from licensing or assignment of use rights for software developed abroad are subject to the non-cumulative PIS and COFINS contributions

By majority vote, the CARF decided that agreements for licensing or assigning use rights for computer software programs developed overseas should be considered as importation.  Thus, they would be subject to the non-cumulative system for payment of the federal Social Contributions known here as the PIS and COFINS.

Under applicable Brazilian legislation (Law 10.833/04, Article 10, XXV), there is a rule that data processing companies which accrue revenues from the licensing or assignment of use rights for software are subject to the cumulative PIS/Cofins.  However, paragraph 2 of such article contains a specific norm hindering such rule in the case of imported software.

For the council members, the manner of importing the software is not relevant for purposes of applying the legal provisions, and the licensing or assignment of the right to use imported software suffices for application of the non-cumulative system for such contributions.


RFB Clarifies Levying of WIT on Capital Gains Accrued in Brazil by Portuguese Company

Brazil’s Federal Revenue Bureau (RFB) has published a Resolution of Inquiry providing that the IRRF (withholding income tax) is to be levied at the rate of 15% on capital gains accrued in Brazil by a Portuguese Holding Company resulting from sale of the latter’s equity interest in a Brazilian company.

Item 6 of the Brazil-Portugal Protocol of Tax Treaty provides the Most Favored Nation Principle, so, given the subsequent signing of the Tax Treaty between Brazil and Israel, which sets a maximum capital gains tax of 15%, such determination should be applied to the tax relationship involving Brazil and Portugal.

Accordingly, for a company resident in Portugal that accrues a capital gain on sale of its equity interest in a Brazilian company, the gain will be taxed at the rate of 15%, rather than according to the progressive table, where rates vary from 15% to 22.5%.


Federal Government Imposes Restrictions on Use of Worker Food Program (PAT) Tax Benefit

A Recent Federal Government Decree, entitled “Infra-legal Labor Regulatory Framework”, among other alterations of labor norms, introduced new rules to limit the tax deductibility of expenses incurred by Brazilian companies on covering their worker food costs.

The limitations are as follows: (i) the deduction will be applicable only in relation to the amounts disbursed on workers who receive up to 5 (five) minimum monthly salaries, encompassing all workers of a beneficiary company that provides its own meals or subcontracts entities for food supply; and (ii) the deduction is only to encompass that portion of the benefit which corresponds to the amount of no more than 1 (one) minimum monthly salary per employee.

The issue has been questioned in court by corporate taxpayers, in that the limitations introduced by the Decree are not covered by a law, which is contrary to Brazilian taxation rules.


Superior Court of Justice – STJ overturns late payment fine on federal taxation of imports supported by Drawback-Suspension

The STJ recently analyzed an appeal filed by a corporate taxpayer that claimed there was a discrepancy in the case law development regarding application of a late payment fine in cases of non-compliance with re-exportation obligation in operations supported by the Drawback customs system (Suspension modus operandi).

The Court ruled that the Drawback-Suspension is a system whereby the customs duties and other federal taxes on imports (Customs Duties – II, Social Contribution Program – PIS on importation, Social Security Finance – COFINS contribution on importation, and Excise Tax – IPI on importation) are suspended under the resolutive condition of the effective export of the finished products; in case of failure to re-export, interest and monetary restatement are due from the moment of registration of the Import Declaration.

On the other hand, the penalty for late payment would only be due after the 30-day period established in the Customs Regulations for timely extinction of the Drawback.

Thus, according to the STJ’s interpretation, there is no delay in the obligation to re-export until the 30th day of the deadline set therefor, which is why the late payment fine should not be applied in these cases.


ITCMD on inheritances and donations from abroad

In the first half of 2021, the highest court in our land, the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF), ruled that state laws establishing the Gift and Inheritance Tax (ITCMD) on inheritances and donations from abroad were unconstitutional, due the lack of complementary federal law on the subject. The decision’s effects are prospective, which means that they are valid from the judgment date onwards, except for the ongoing lawsuit.

Whereas the binding effect of the decision is restricted to the ongoing lawsuits, and not to the public administration, in May of 2021 the Attorney General’s Office of the Brazilian National Treasury (PGR) filed 24 (twenty-four) Direct Unconstitutionality Lawsuits (ADI 6.817 to 6.840) against state laws that regulate the issue.

STF endorses the suspension of rules that regulate the ITCMD abroad.


IOF – Loan Daily Rates Have Been Temporarily Increased

The Brazilian government temporarily increased the daily rate of the Financial Operations Tax (IOF) on loans involving transactions carried out in the 4th Quarter of this year (i.e. between September 30 and December 31, 2021).  Such rate was increased from 0.0041% to 0.00559% for companies and from 0.0082% to 0.01118% for individuals.

It is important to mention that taxpayers can challenge this tax increase in court, because the IOF is a tax for the purpose of economic induction, rather than collection, as established by the federal government.

Finally, the IOF-Exchange (financial operations tax on foreign exchange) rates were not increased, but only the IOF-Credit rates.


Tax Recovery Program – Extension of deadline for renegotiation of debts

The Brazilian National Treasury Attorney’s Office (PGFN) extended, through Ordinance PGFN/ME n. 11,496/2021, the deadline for joining the Tax Recovery Program established in September 2020, to encourage companies to straighten out their tax debts regularization and help economic recovery from impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Taxpayers registered with the Federal Government who have debts in terms of taxes and contributions, as well as with the Guarantee Fund for Length of Service (FGTS – a kind of severance pay accrual) up until November 30th, 2021 will be able to join the program by the last working day of December (the 29th this year).  Among the kinds of modus operandis for such transactions, the highlights are the “Exceptional Transactions” and “Extraordinary Transactions”.

Exceptional transactions are available to taxpayers who can prove the economic and financial damage caused by the pandemic on their operations; the program calls for a down payment of four per cent (4%) of the amount of their debts, payable in monthly installment payments over a period of 12 (twelve) months.  The remaining amount can be split up to into further installment payments over a period of 72 (seventy-two) months.  Furthermore, in this transaction model, the taxpayer can obtain up to 100% discount on interest and penalties, with a limit of up to 50% of the total debt amount.

Extraordinary transactions are available to all taxpayers and requires a down payment of 1% (one per cent) of the debt amount in installments within 3 (three) months.  The remaining amount can be paid within 81 (eighty-one) months.

As for Social Security (INSS) debts, for both modalities, they have a payment limit of up to 60 (sixty) installments.

This is an opportunity for companies that have federal tax debts due, and the opportunities must be evaluated according to the specific situation of each taxpayer.


Federal PIS and Cofins contributions on state value-added tax on circulation of goods and services (ICMS) – Alleged effects of the Supreme Court decision on credit bases

In July/21, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau (RFB) issued Cosit Opinion n. 10/2021, which concluded by excluding the ICMS value highlighted in a company’s invoice from the calculation basis of the contribution credits for the PIS/Pasep and for the Cofins, as it believes that the aforementioned amount is not part of the price of the goods/services.  It was an attempt to apply by analogy in light of the decision of the so-called “thesis of the century” of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), which established the interpretation that the state ICMS does not encompass the taxpayer’s gross revenue for purposes of calculation of the federal PIS and Cofins.

However, in September/2021, the National Treasury Attorney’s Office (PGFN) issued SEI Opinion n. 14483/2021/ME, whereby the understanding previously expressed by the RFB was overcome, ensuring the inclusion of the ICMS portion in the breakdown of the PIS and Cofins, in addition to stating that the prohibition of the right to the respective credits should be changed through the legislature.  As a result, greater legal certainty was provided to taxpayers.

The PGFN’s statement shed light on the issue and allayed the fear of the business community after the RFB’s statement.


Interest of Tax Credits Must Not Be Subject to the Corporate Income Taxes (IRPJ and CSLL)

In September/2021, Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) declared that it was unconstitutional for Corporate Income Taxes (IRPJ and CSLL) to be levied on interest based on the SELIC rate added to unduly paid federal taxes.

This topic is extremely important for taxpayers, because many companies are recovering large amounts of tax credits, monetarily updated, after the conclusion of the thesis of the century (exclusion of ICMS from the PIS and COFINS base).


There Are Still Uncertainties on the Approval of Income Tax Reform

The bill for Income Tax Reform was approved by the Chamber of Deputies and now will be discussed in the Senate, where it will face more resistance.

According to some Senate representatives, Consumption Tax Reform may be granted priority over Income Tax Reform.  In view of this, there are still doubts regarding the approval of the tax reform in 2021.


Changes under discussion in Congress

Possible extension of the Social Contribution on Gross Revenue (CPRB)

The Finance and Taxation Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved Bill n. 2,541/21, which extends from December 2021 to December 2026 the term of the social security contribution on gross revenue (CPRB) for 17 sectors of the economy.

The sectors are: footwear, call centers, communications, confection/clothing, civil construction, construction companies and infrastructure works, leather goods, vehicle and bodywork manufacturing, machinery and equipment, animal protein, textile, IT (information technology), ICT (communication technology), integrated circuit design, subway-railway passenger transport, collective road transport and road freight transport.

The bill is currently in the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.


Bills for new debt installment payment programs

Given the current economic scenario, there is a great deal of news and discussion circulating in Congress about the possibility of instituting federal debt installment payment programs.

Among the main projects, there is the possibility of reopening the Special Program for Tax Regularization (PERT), referred to in Law n. 13,496/17, which was sent to the Chamber of Deputies after approval by the Senate.

Aiming at relief for companies affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the objective would be to institute a new debt installment payment program, providing the possibility of paying tax debts in up to 144 installments, allowing a discount of up to 90% on interest and fines, in addition to the possibility of offsetting tax losses.  The bill also provides for changes in the tax transaction institute, to ensure more installments and discounts to taxpayers.


Chamber commission created to discuss technology taxation

The Chamber of Deputies’ Committee on Science and Technology, Communication & Information Technology is analyzing Bill n. 2,358/20, which institutes the Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain (Cide-Digital), levied on gross revenue from digital services provided by big tech companies.

On September 20, 2021, a public hearing was held to debate the institution of Cide-Digital.

Brazilian Tax Review – April 2019

Important Developments in Brazil’s Double Taxation Convention (DTC) Network

There have been important Developments in Brazil’s DTC network in the last month.

In a nutshell, Brazil and Poland are negotiating a DTC aiming to facilitate trade and economic relations between the countries, which currently face obstacles.

Moreover, Brazil and Chile are revising their DTC in order to align it with the BEPS Project’s minimum standards. The protocol of amendment is still under negotiation and has not been signed yet.

In addition, Brazil and Sweden have signed a protocol of amendment to their DTC, modifying several topics, such as withholding tax reductions to some specific incomes. The protocol still has to be approved by the Brazilian Congress and, afterwards, to be promulgated by a presidential decree in order to become effective.

Finally, the Brazilian Congress has recently published Legislative Decree 8/2019, which approved the protocol of amendment to the double tax treaty between Brazil and Denmark. The Protocol still has to be promulgated by a presidential decree in order to become effective.

Federal Revenue Office States that Payments for Technical Services Are not Subject to WHT under Brazil-France DTC

With a few exceptions, most of the DTCs signed by Brazil qualify payments for technical services as “royalties” instead of “business profits,” which grants the right to tax to the source country.

The recent Private Ruling 2,004/2019 states that the Brazil-France DTC is one of those rare exceptions that does not qualify payments for technical services as “royalties,” but as “business profits,” so that withholding income tax does not apply when a Brazilian resident pays service fees to a French resident.

Court Authorizes Retroactive Payments of Interest on Shareholder Equity

The Federal Court of the 3rd Region ruled in favor of taxpayers, in line with the Superior Court of Justice, in lawsuits challenging retroactive payments (related to past fiscal years) of interest on shareholder equity, allowing it to be deducted from corporate income taxes.

These decisions diverge from the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office and the Administrative Tax Tribunal (CARF) positions and may represent relevant savings for the taxpayers.

Payments for Participation in Cultural Events Held in Brazil by Non-Residents Are Subject to the WHT

Under Brazilian legislation, remittances abroad for educational, scientific and cultural purposes are not subject to the withholding income tax.

In this context, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office has issued Private Letter Ruling 70/2019, clarifying that this exemption only applies to payments made to cover the expenses of the Brazilian residents at events held abroad.

Therefore, according to the tax authorities, payments for the participation of Brazilian residents in cultural events organized by non-residents and held in Brazil are subject to the withholding income tax.

Courts Deem that Export Revenues Are Exempt from Foreign Exchange Tax (“IOF-Câmbio”)

Tax authorities have stated, by means of Private Letter Ruling 246/2018, that export revenues received at a foreign bank and immediately sent to Brazil were exempt from IOF-Câmbio. On the other hand, if the remittances were made after some time, these transactions would be subject to the IOF-Câmbio tax.

In spite of the tax authorities’ understanding, the courts have entered decisions favorable to taxpayers, arguing that there is no legal provision binding the IOF-Câmbio exemption to the moment the revenues are transferred to Brazil. Thus, tax authorities must apply the exemption according to these decisions, even if the export revenues are not immediately transferred to Brazil.

Federal Revenue Office States that PIS/COFINS-Import Must be Levied on Insurance Premiums Paid to Non-Residents

PIS/COFINS-Import are social contributions levied on the import of goods and services. Therefore, the incidence of such taxes on other transactions that are usually compared to service provisions, such as licensing intangibles, has always been a controversial matter.

In this context, the recent Private Letter Ruling 47/2019 states that premiums paid to non-resident insurance companies are subject to PIS/COFINS-Import. This interpretation might be challenged by taxpayers in court, arguing that insurance should not be considered a service provision, so PIS/COFINS-Import should not apply.

Federal Revenue Office Qualifies Debt Forgiveness as Financial Income for PIS and COFINS Purposes

Brazilian legislation states that “general revenues” must be taxed by PIS and COFINS at a 9.25% overall rate, whereas the financial revenues are levied at a 4.65% jointly rate.

Originally, the Federal Revenue Office had issued a Private Letter Ruling stating that debt forgiveness should be considered “general revenue,” being taxed at a 9.25% PIS and COFINS rate.

However, this interpretation was recently modified. In a new private letter ruling, tax authorities stated that debt forgiveness related to bank loans should be classified as financial revenues and, thus, be subject to a 4.65% PIS and COFINS overall rate, which is a more favorable rate.

Administrative Tax Tribunal Held that Social Security Contribution Should Not Be Levied on Hiring Bonuses

In a recent decision, the Administrative Tax Tribunal (CARF) held that hiring bonuses paid by companies to newly hired executives, prior to the provision of services, should not be subject to social security contributions.

Originally, a tax audit had assessed a Brazilian company, claiming that hiring bonuses should be considered an advance payment on salary and, as such, subject to the social security contribution. However, the Administrative Tax Tribunal cancelled this assessment and held that hiring bonuses are in the nature of an indemnity and not a salary, meaning they are not subject to the social security contribution.


Superior Court of Justice Establishes Criteria for Approval of PIS/COFINS Credits on Inputs

The Superior Court of Justice has taken up the decision of Special Appeal #1.221.170/PR, which deals with the definition of inputs for the purposes of Social Integration Program Tax (Programa de Integração Social), or PIS, and Social Security Financing Tax (Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social), or COFINS, credits.

In the decision, which was submitted to the system for repetitive binding appeals, the court solidified the position that using the credits must observe the criteria of the essentiality or relevance of the expense for the taxpayer’s activities.

The Superior Court of Justice also approved the following thesis that summarizes the issue: “The definition of input must be determined in light of the criteria of the essentiality or relevance, taking into account the importance of a given item, good or service for the conduct of the taxpayer’s economic activity.”

Although the appellate decision has not yet been formalized and will need to be analyzed to determine the real scope of the decision, it is nonetheless true that the Superior Court of Justice’s position is favorable to taxpayers and could open a path to recovering amounts overpaid in the past and to reducing PIS/COFINS amounts paid monthly by companies.

PGFN Issues Regulations for Freezing Assets without a Court Order

Attorney General’s Office for the National Treasury (Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional), or PGFN, Ordinance 33/2018 regulates the procedures for freezing debtors’ assets without seeking a court order, under Law 13,606/18. With this ordinance, the treasury can record the debt in real and chattel property registries immediately after it has been listed as a past-due debt, even before a tax execution action has been filed.

The constitutionality of this measure has already been challenged before the Federal Supreme Court, under the argument that the so-called “pre-execution recording” violates the principles of due process, adversary proceedings, a broad defense and separation of powers, among others.

OECD/G20 and the European Commission Publish Reports about the Tax Challenges of the Digital Economy

On March 16, 2018, the OECD published an intermediary report about the tax challenges arising under the digital economy, as a continuation to the studies published in BEPS Action 1.

The report discusses how digitalization affects all the areas of tax systems, to provide new service tools to the tax authorities and to taxpayers and to increase the efficiency of identifying tax evasion and of collecting taxes.

A few days later, on March 21, 2018, the European commission proposed new rules to ensure that digital business activities are taxed fairly and in a way that favors growth in the European Union. The suggested measures include a joint reform of the European rules for the taxation of corporate entities in so-called digital economy activities, such as the creation of a definition of a virtual permanent establishment and rules for the allocation of profit among the member states, as well as a provisional tax on certain revenue from digital activities. These suggestions will be submitted for deliberation.

PGFN Regulates Transfer of Real Property in Payment of Tax Debts

The Attorney General’s Office for the National Treasury (Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional), or PGFN, has published PGFN Ordinance 32/2018, which states the conditions and requirements for indebted taxpayers to transfer real property as payment. The ordinance covers nontax and tax debts listed as past-due, whether or not subject to a court decision, except those that originated under the “National Simple” system.

Among the provisions that should be noted is the requirement that the taxpayer release a claim to any overpayment if the appraisal price of the real property is greater than the debt to be extinguished, and the requirement that, if there has been a deposit into court, the real property can be used only for the balance not covered by the deposit.

Seeking Greater Exchange of Information, Brazil Approves Protocols in Treaties to Avoid Double Taxation with India, South Korea and South Africa

The presidential decree implementing the protocol that amends the Convention to Avoid Double Taxation between Brazil and India has been published. Additionally, the Brazilian Senate has ratified similar protocols in the conventions with South Korea and South Africa (a presidential decree is still needed to bring these latter two protocols into effect).

In all three cases, the protocols are intended to update and expand the reach of the article concerning the exchange of information among the tax authorities of Brazil and the other countries, allowing the signatories greater access to information that is material to collecting taxes in their countries.

Brazil Expands its Social Security Agreement Network

Brazil has signed a social security agreement with Israel, which still needs to be ratified by the Brazilian Senate and implemented through a presidential decree before it becomes effective. Additionally, the Brazilian Senate has ratified a Social Security Agreement between Brazil and Luxembourg, which is still awaiting a presidential decree.

These agreements give each country’s workers who are resident in the territory of the other country the opportunity to take advantage of the contribution periods in the two countries to obtain the social security benefit.

Brazil Potentially Joining the OECD Entails an Important Work Program to Study Local Transfer Pricing Rules

The OECD and the Brazilian government have launched the project “Transfer Pricing in Brazil,” with the following objectives over the course of three phases: (i) to analyze the legal and administrative framework in effect in Brazil; (ii) to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses; and (iii) to explore options for closer alignment between Brazil and OECD member countries.

This work program was created in the context of Brazil potentially joining the OECD. Since there are important differences between the transfer pricing rules used in Brazil and OECD guidelines, the OECD has chosen to create this program to better understand the differences and avoid double taxation and practices that hide profit.

CARF Decides that Revenue from Travel Agencies Is Restricted to Commissions

The Administrative Tax Appeals Board (Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais), or CARF, has taken up an appeal filed by a travel agency in which the composition of the company’s revenue is at issue.

The taxpayer was issued an infraction notice by Brazilian Federal Revenue for not having included all of the amounts received by the agency in the sale of tourist packages, which include the amounts passed on to hotels, airlines, tourism operators, etc., in its taxable operating revenue. In its challenge, the taxpayer argued that those amounts were not its own revenue but that of third parties, with its own operating result consisting exclusively of the commissions received for this intermediation service.

On the merits of the case, the CARF board granted the taxpayer’s appeal, recognizing that, in fact, the travel agency should recognize revenue only in relation to the commissions on the sales. Brazilian Federal Revenue’s position on this matter was therefore rejected.

Voluntary Admission Does Not Apply to Special Customs Methods

The Superior Chamber of the Administrative Tax Appeals Board (Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais), or CARF, has analyzed a case in which the taxpayer was issued an infraction notice with a fine for failing to comply with the deadline for exporting a good under a temporary admission customs method. In the appeal, the taxpayer claimed that the penalty should be lifted because it made a voluntary admission of its failure.

However, the CARF maintained the infraction notice on the argument that the institute of voluntary admission eliminates requirements related only to the principal obligation and does not impede the application of customs fines.


ICMS Tax War May be Coming to an End

The Brazilian Congress has passed Supplementary Law 160/17, the main goal of which is to end the so-called “ICMS Tax War” among the Brazilian states. This tax war consists of states granting ICMS tax breaks without following constitutional procedures, leading states to disregard each other’s tax breaks when they levy taxes.

The Supplementary Law authorizes states to validate all the unconstitutional tax breaks and cancel the assessments involving the issue. However, the law itself does not established any automatically effective provisions because all of its terms depend on the states approving an agreement listing its specific terms, including the disclosure of all the unconstitutional tax breaks they have granted in the past.

The states must approve the agreement by February 2018, otherwise Supplementary Law 160/17 will become ineffective.

Tax Reform Under Discussion

Once again, the Brazilian Government is discussing a broad tax reform. The reform bill proposes combining all indirect taxes into a single VAT that would be divided into two types according to the kind of goods taxed – one general and the other applicable to specific products, such as energy, fuel, communications, cigarettes, spirits, vehicles, tires and auto parts. There is also a provision to combine the Social Contribution on Net Profits and the Corporate Income Tax into a single Income Tax.

The government’s proposal is not intended to reduce the Brazilian tax burden, but solely to bring some rationality to it by simplifying tax routines, calculation and ancillary obligations.

Reintegra Benefit Reduced to 2% in 2018

REINTEGRA is a program that aims to refund the residual costs of taxes paid throughout the exportation chain to taxpayers, in order to make them more competitive on international markets.

Originally, the refund rate was to be 2% in 2017 and 3% in 2018. However, the Brazilian Government has decided to maintain the REINTEGRA rate at 2% in 2018, which will directly impact Brazilian exporters.

Brazil and Japan Sign a Mutual Cooperation Agreement

Brazilian and Japanese authorities have entered into an agreement aiming at increasing their cooperation regarding trading and customs regulations, as well as preventing fraud and violations of regulations in these fields. The terms of the agreement will benefit companies that are already part of the Authorized Economic Operator (“AEO”) program, the main objective of which is to reduce customs barriers by certifying traders that have historically been in compliance with local and international rules on this matter.

The legislative authorities of both countries still need to confirm the agreement so that it can become fully effective.

Brazilian Government to Charge The Revoked Additional 1% of Cofins on Imports

Even though revoked by a Provisional Measure (PM) enacted by the President, the 1% additional COFINS rate on Imports is deemed in effect by the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service, due to the fact that the National Congress rejected the PM that revoked the tax.

Based on that, the Brazilian IRS has stated that the additional 1% rate has become valid again and that taxpayers must pay it on customs clearance. This position, however, is being criticized by taxpayers who argue that a new law is necessary to reestablish the additional 1% rate.

Federal Revenue Office Regulates the Tax Aspects of Investments in Start-Ups By Angel Investors

Normative Ruling 1,719/2017, issued by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office, states that angel investments in start-ups will be similar to financial investments for tax purposes.

Therefore, the profits distributed by the start-ups, as well as the gain derived from the investment refund or from the sale of the rights of conversion into capital, must be considered financial income and are subject to Withholding Income Tax (“WHT”).

The tax rate is determined by a specific tax table, according to the elapsed time between the investment’s pay-in and the income payment, as follows: (i) 22.50% for income earned before 180 days; (ii) 20.00% for income earned after 181 days and before 360 days; (iii) 17.50% for income earned after 361 days and before 720 days; and (iv) 15.00% for income earned after 720 days.

Superior Court of Justice Holds That Cide-Royalties Applied to Software Imports With no Transfer of Technology From 2000 to 2006

The Superior Court of Justice has held that the import of software licenses and the right to commercialize and distribute software were subject to CIDE-Royalties from 2000 to 2006, even if there was no transfer of technology.

Law 10,168/2000 created this tax in 2000, establishing the payment of royalties to non-residents as the triggering event. A few years later, Law 11,452/2007 stated that CIDE-Royalties does not apply to the import of software with no transfer of technology (i.e., when the source code is not provided to the beneficiary).

The discussion that took place is whether Law 11,452/2007 was interpretative in nature and, therefore, should be retroactive, or whether it established a tax exemption and, thus, applied only to the future transactions.

The Superior Court of Justice held that Law 11,452/2007 established a tax exemption and, therefore, CIDE-Royalties must apply to software imports with no transfer of technology for the periods before its enactment.

Reimbursement of Expatriates’ Wages From Brazilian Companies to Their Head Offices Abroad are Not Subject to Taxation

The Federal Revenue Office has issued Private Letter Rulings 378/2017 and 440/2017, stating that the amounts paid by a Brazilian company to its head office located abroad, as a reimbursement for the wages of the expatriate employees working in Brazil, is not subject to taxation.

Since the wages received abroad by the expatriates are subject to the individual income tax on a universal basis in Brazil, the reimbursements from the Brazilian company to its head office should not be subject to any taxation, in order to avoid a double taxation.

New Amendments in the Double Taxation Convention Between Brazil and Argentina

Brazil and Argentina have signed an amending protocol to their double taxation convention, which introduced several modifications related to: (i) measures to prevent BEPS; (ii) incorporation of changes in the OECD and United Nations model conventions; and (iii) amendments that reflect the countries’ specific tax treaty policies.


Brazilian Federal Revenue Office Reviews its Transfer Pricing Guidelines on International Cost-Sharing Agreements

The Federal Revenue Office has issued Private Letter Ruling 99,069/2017, which states, among other things, that transfer pricing rules apply to international cost-sharing agreements related to non-core activities. However, the ruling does not mention which arm’s length method applies to this type of transaction.

The new ruling represents a change in the tax authorities’ position on this matter. Previously, Private Letter Ruling 8/2012 stated that cost-sharing agreements were not subject to transfer pricing rules as long as the involved companies: (i) set forth reasonable and clear criteria for allocation of the expenses; and (ii) the amounts reimbursed did not include a profit margin.

New Interpretation on the Taxation of Remittances Abroad: Marketing and Distribution Rights Related to Software

The Federal Revenue Office has issued Private Letter Rulings 18/2017, 342/2017 and 7,014/2017, stating that the acquisition of marketing and distribution rights for software generates the payment of royalties to the extent that it involves the resale of software licenses.

Therefore, the payments for such rights from a Brazilian resident to a non-resident must be subject to a 15% withholding income tax. Moreover, if the transaction entails the transfer of technology (i.e., the source code is given to the final customer), the CIDE-Royalties tax is also levied at a 10% rate.

Brazilian Court Analyzes the Classification of Services in the DTC between Brazil and Belgium

The Federal Court for the 3rd Region has recently issued a decision favorable to a taxpayer on the classification of services in the Convention for Avoidance of Double Taxation (“DTC”) entered into between Brazil and Belgium.

The classification of services in DTCs has always been a controversial matter in Brazil since the local tax authorities refuse to adopt the OECD guidelines and impose the source state taxation.

In this case, a Belgium-based entity provided technical services to a Brazilian resident and the Brazilian tax authorities classified the services as royalties (Article 12), based on item 6 of the DTC’s protocol, in order to apply the Brazilian withholding income tax on the remittances.

However, the Federal Court held that only services strictly connected to the transfer of technology should be classified as royalties. Therefore, in line with OECD guidelines, the technical service provided by the Belgian entity was re-classified as business profits (Article 7), which are exempt from the Brazilian withholding income tax. This decision is not final and might be subject to appeal before the Superior Courts.

Federal Administrative Tax Tribunal (CARF) Issued Important Decision on the PIS and COFINS Taxation of Loyalty Programs

The Federal Administrative Tax Tribunal (CARF) has issued a favorable decision to the taxpayer regarding the application of the Social Contributions on Revenues (PIS and COFINS) to a loyalty program service provider.

Even though the tax aspects of these programs have never been properly regulated in Brazil, the tax authorities maintain that the loyalty program provider must collect PIS and COFINS on the sale of points to its partners (banks, credit card and airline companies).

However, differently from the tax authorities’ interpretation, the Federal Administrative Tax Tribunal (CARF) has held that the related revenues should be subject to PIS and COFINS taxes only at the end of the transaction, i.e., on the redemption of the accrued points by the client.

Services of Credit and Debit Cards, Leasing and Health Care Must be Paid to the Municipalities Where the Clients Are Domiciled

The Brazilian Congress has overridden the presidential veto on Supplementary Law 157/2015, aiming to enable municipalities to charge the Tax on Services (ISS) on credit and debit cards, leasing and health care in the cities where the final consumers are domiciled.

Previously such services were subject to the general ISS rule, according to which the tax should be paid to the municipality in which the service provider is located. This criterion was also confirmed by the Superior Court of Justice a few years ago. However, as a result of the new provisions, taxpayers will have to be in compliance with the regulations of each municipality in which they have customers.

Given the potential increase in compliance costs derived from the approved taxation model in light of differing regulations in different municipalities, some associations have already stated that they intend to challenge the new measures in court.

Federal Government Approves a New Amnesty Program for Tax Debts (PERT)

Published in an extra edition of the Official Gazette of May 31, 2017, Provisional Measure 783 establishes the Special Tax Regularization Program (PERT) and allows a reduction of fines and penalties related to federal outstanding debts up to April 30, 2017. The reductions apply to individuals and legal entities, including those that were subject to previous programs or that are the subject of administrative or judicial proceedings.

Among its benefits, the PERT allows taxpayers to use tax losses to offset tax debts, pay the debts in 120 monthly installments, apply discounts on penalties and interest etc., depending on the type of liability and the terms of the program.

The deadline for interested taxpayers to apply for the PERT is August 31, 2017.

Federal Administrative Tax Tribunal (CARF) Cancels the Tax Assessment Related to the Goodwill Resulting from the BOVESPA-BM&F Transaction

The lower chamber of the CARF has decided that the goodwill resulting from the merger between the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA) and the Futures and Commodities Exchange (BM&F) was valued and amortized correctly.

The assessment was issued because the tax authorities challenged the valuation of the absorbed company’s equity within the merger and, thus, the tax amortization of the goodwill derived from the transaction. Despite this, the CARF held that the valuation was appropriate and canceled the tax assessment.

The decision is not final and might be modified by the CARF’s upper chamber.

Printing Services Should Not be Subject to the Excise Tax

A printing service provider has succeeded in defending the position that the Excise Tax (IPI) should not be levied on its core business, receiving a favorable decision from the Federal Administrative Tax Tribunal (CARF).

Contrarily to the tax authorities’ position that printing services are subject to both the Excise Tax and Municipal Tax on Services (ISS), the Tribunal held that the Excise Tax could not be levied when the transaction is listed as subject to the Municipal Tax on Services.

This decision can be used as a precedent for the position that the Excise Tax should not be levied on other types of transactions on which the federal authorities are currently levying it.